Monday, November 26, 2012

Try This New Cold Connection Method

For More Jewelry Making Tips Please Visit -

The Wire Art Education Center

In recent years the buzzword has been cold connection. It seems as if everyone is looking for a way to join metal together without the use of fire and solder. Most of those searchers were looking for ways to connect metal sheet - NOT wire. They're answer - Rivets! They began using rivets to join metal and it worked perfectly! In no time these artists began churning out new work that had a beautiful industrial feel to it. All without the use of solder.

As wire artists we love exploring new techniques, however it seems that this one doesn't always apply to us. The wire that we use in our work is often too small for us to use rivets. It would be great if we could find a method to produce modern contemporary jewelry without having to solder or rivet. What could we do?

A couple years ago I spent a lot of time searching for a new way to join metals together without using solder OR rivets. The idea was to join wire together to create a joint that was as solid as solder. After a lot of trial and error (not to mention pouting and crying) I finally found it - I called it Wiresmithing. The technique is really easy and doesn't require any special tools. It can be done using the tools that most wire artists already have.

So in this blog post I wanted to give you an opportunity to explore this method of cold connection. Below are three FREE videos that i have produced that will take you step by step of the basics of wiresmithing.

Introduction to Wiresmithing Part 1
Introduction to Wiresmithing Part 2
Introduction to Wiresmithing Part 3 - The Basic Technique
So what can you do with Wiresmithing? Here are a couple of picture of some of the things I've designed using this simple and effective technique.
Ocean Jasper/Drusy Brooch
Fordite Pendant
Turquoise Bracelet
Larimar Pendant
I bet your wondering "Where can I learn more?" After I figured out how to use this new technique I wrote a book called "Wiresmithing - The New Look of Wire Art". In it you'll find everything that you need to know to create your own works of art using this new cold connection technique. Stop by our website - to learn more.
That's all for this week....We'll see you next week!

For More Jewelry Making Tips Please Visit -

The Wire Art Education Center


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